Making a splendid start
A great starting point to get back to my sketchbooks and be more often in the seat behind the drawing table.
With different eyes
It is interesting to realize, you look different to the common things that surround you when you take up your pencil and make those 'things, visible on paper.
First thing to draw
The first challenge to draw are trees. Yesterday I took some pictures in the neighborhood. And actually there are not so many interesting trees near our house, but I like the bare branches contrasting against the sky in its's wintery scene badly.
Interesting facts
In fact I love wintertime as no other season. Nature seems to be more simple. Landscape look more graphical. Which is one of my favorite design style is as well.
I like the light during the short days. It is not as harsh as the light in the summer for example. Oh and those long shadows that make all things look more interesting and gives more dimension to a scene.
Winter and the anatomy of a tree
In the winter the anatomy of the tree is more visible and that makes it so easy to line draw them. I think I will sketch some trees in a row as well. With entangled branches. I imagine that will be an interesting starting point for a design or texture.
Thing one and what comes next
Drawing trees, I think this is a perfect first thing to draw in this '31 things to draw project'. I am looking forward what the next thing will be in this lovely project. I'll keep you updated.
In case you want to know a little bit more
For this project I follow the guidelines given by Lisa Congdon at Creativebug in the 31 things to draw workshop.
Last week I treated myself on new ink pens. My choice this time were three Rotring tikky graphic fineliners: 0.5/ 0.8 and 1.0 filled with pigmented ink. Just in case you wanted to know.