Colors and hues are very important as it comes to a design. Very often I become inspired by a wonderful combination of colors I stumbled on in everyday life. It is only a tiny step to share my discoveries with you.
A new theme for the inspiration page is born:
Hue inspiration
Periodically I will share my founds with you; a snapshot decorated with its color palette.
Time to share the first in the row. Hazelnuts in a bowl on the table.
Which one is your favorite hue?
Hue inspiration
Colors and hues are very important as it comes to a design.
Very often I become inspired by a wonderful combination of colors, I stumbled upon in everyday life.
It is only a tiny step, to share my discoveries with you.
hue |(h)yoō|
noun | a color or shade
hazelnut |ˈhāzəlˌnət|
noun | a round brown hard-shelled nut that is the edible fruit of the hazel