One of the featured designers in the brand new e-book Pattern Mix by Pattern People.

The newest edition to our e-book collection, Pattern Mix: A Collection of Inspiring Prints by Designers from Around the World, features the best emerging designers in surface design now. Showcasing the work of over 100 artists, this compendium of patterns captures a range of styles including whimsical conversationals, bold geometrics, and sophisticated florals. Whether you’re searching for a print designer to help you launch a collection, looking for new techniques, or just in need of some visual candy, Pattern Mix will inspire print lovers of all ages.
– Features over 100 surface designers from around the world
– More than 800 inspirational print designs
– 200 plus pages of colorful patterns
– Easy to view layouts
Pattern Mix: A Collection of Inspiring Prints by Designers from Around the World
Pattern People
Pattern People, design and inspiration
mix |miks|
noun| two or more different qualities, things, or people placed, combined, or considered together