Pinterest pins

Pins in the picture

Pins in the picture? 

In fact that's what we do: putting pins in pictures. To hold them into place. Into one place. Into our place.

Why should we do that?
Because out of all the given information on one subject, we are interested in, we want to have an overview on what we find the top of the bill, the icing on the cake, the number ones.

To be clear, pins are not the actual inspiration sources. In my opinion they are rather a reflection of where they stand for. A bookmark and redirection.

Twenty-first century designer's tool.
So once I was immersed into the world of surface (pattern) design, Pinterest became more interesting to me. In fact, I think it is THE internet tool for designers who are actually, collectors of ideas, inspirational themes, items, topics, and other bits & pieces.
Visual bookmarks in the virtual world gathered together in a stylish, elegant, smooth and smart way. What else do we want as designer?

A joint winner.
When you should walk along my boards, 9 out of 10, you will stumble upon the label inspirational.
And that is what my pins all have in common, they inspire me to create!

They make me impatient to take it as a starting point for a fresh design and make it my own. Mingling it with my own ideas, finds and fingerprints. 


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in the picture

inform, fill in, explain the situation/ circumstances to, bring up to date, update, brief, keep posted, clue in, bring up to speed.

Pins in the picture? 

Our pins in the spotlight. This post is an introductory to a new reoccurring blog theme. Where, in each post, I will highlight a pin-board, which might be interesting to you.

Give me the pleasure and let me introduce our pins to you, our boards, our Pinterest boards. The reflection of our style, our interests and inspiration sources.

In this introductory post, I'll show you a sneak peek of my recently pinned pins.
At the bottom a Pinterest button, which will lead you directly to the displayed pin-board.

If you are interested to stay up to date on our pins? Follow us at Pinterest as well. Thank you!

Next time we will focus on one particular pin-board.


 Hand drawn vegetable collection vector | premium image by / Niwat
 Pintachan - Graphic and Character illustrator, SpainHoe maak je van een Tomaat een vlinder
 🍅 🍅 back to drawing all things Italian ❤ . . . . . . #foodillustration #foodieinspired #freshproduce #tomatoes #cherrytomatoes #italyinspired #cookbookdrawings #cookery #fooddrawing #illustration #carolinetomlinsonillustrated #carolinetomlinsonillustration1mMarinated Tomatoes Farmhouse Style - Plowing Through Life
  De tomaat is ongetwijfeld de populairste groente in de westerse keuken. “Een tomaat is een tomaat.” Fout! Er zijn duizenden soorten tomaten. Deze soorten kunnen we in grote lijnen onderverdelen in 5 tomaten types: Vleestomaten, trostomaten, kerstomaten, coeur de boeufs of pruimtomaten (ook gekend als pomodoro).
Hand drawn fresh tomatos | free image by rawpixel.comEen levendige illustratie van drie tomaten aan een tak tegen een neutrale achtergrond, met het woord "Tomato" erboven in een speelse groene typografie. De kleurrijke en vrolijke uitstraling past perfect in diverse interieurs, van keukens tot eetkamers. Voeg een frisse en uitnodigende touch toe aan je ruimte met dit prachtige kunstwerk.

About Pinterest

pinterestinterest is a free website that requires registration to use. Users can upload, save, sort, and manage images—known as pins—and other media content (e.g., videos and images) through collections known as pinboards. Pinterest acts as a personalized media platform. Users can browse the content of others on the main page. Users can then save individual pins to one of their own boards using the "Pin It" button, with Pinboards typically organized by a central topic or theme. Users can personalize their experience with Pinterest by pinning items, creating boards, and interacting with other members. By doing so, the users "pin feed" displays unique, personalized results.
[source: Pinterest at Wikipedia]
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EM | Surface Design

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