Pins in the picture: mark making

Mark making is one of my favorite drawing styles. And if you dive into the world of mark making, there is a lot to discover.



mark |märk|

noun | a small area on a surface having a different color from its surroundings, typically one caused by accident or damage

inspiration | mark making

Structuren met pen en inkt: arceren en pointillerenMark making tools from everyday objects ~ The Visionary ART Workshop“Detail of the ones I didnt use" illustrator, eva magill-oliver.Ceramic vase by Carolyn Genders, an award-winning East Sussex artist. She embraces the ancient technique of coiling to create inimitable hand-built contemporary ceramics.brushes & shows which to use for different things you are trying to paint!
 Post on Human Marks workshop by Dorothy Caldwell. click image to see images and read Sophies post.Nature journal inspiration.Shelley Rhodes | Textile Study GroupThis lesson, Gesture Drawing, teaches students to create works of art using the gesture technique.
todd stahl :: 45 revolutions per minute.: studio in art - value worksheetsMark MakingMark Making Tools from Nature & Everyday Objects ~ The Visionary ART WorkshopStations:  011 by Y[u]G: Y[o]G: Y[i]G on Flickr.the hills : seth/clark - collage, oil, graphite, charcoal, pastel on wood
Line drawing methods shown using two or more strokesTextiles Sketchbook with mark making experiments; surface pattern development; art portfolio // Elizabeth GracieValerie Davide MIXED MEDIAJustyna Mikusz: lino-cut 1,5 x 1m
Watercolour marking toolsBrenda Holzkejeu dencre by les brumes, via Flickr, linda vachonSchnauzer...  we rescued a mini schnauzer off the side of a deserted highway, and fell in love.  The humblest, gentlest soul that ever existed on earth.  Schnauzers love to now we have a chubby little ball of love. :)

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